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10 Kecelakkan Luar Angkasa

Written By unik on Jumat, 14 Mei 2010 | Jumat, Mei 14, 2010

1) Space Shuttle Columbia, 2003 (USA)

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The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster occurred on February 1, 2003, when the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated over Texas during re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere,
resulting in the death of all seven crew members, shortly before it was scheduled to conclude its 28th mission, STS-107. The loss of Columbia was a result of damage sustained during launch when a piece of foam insulation the size of a small briefcase broke off the Space Shuttle external tank (the main propellant tank) under the aerodynamic forces of launch. The debris struck the leading edge of the left wing, damaging the Shuttle's thermal protection system (TPS), which protects it from heat generated with the atmosphere during re-entry. While Columbia was still in orbit, some engineers suspected damage, but NASA managers limited the investigation, on the grounds that little could be done even if problems were found.

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Space Shuttle bencana Columbia terjadi pada tanggal 1 Februari 2003, ketika pesawat ulang-alik Columbia hancur atas Texas saat masuk kembali ke atmosfir bumi, mengakibatkan kematian ketujuh anggota awak, tak lama sebelum dijadwalkan untuk menyimpulkan misi 28 nya, STS-107. Hilangnya Columbia adalah akibat dari kerusakan yang dideritanya pada saat peluncuran sepotong insulasi busa seukuran tas kecil memutuskan tangki eksternal pesawat ulang-alik (tangki propelan utama) di bawah gaya aerodinamika peluncuran. puing yang melanda terdepan dari sayap kiri, merusak perlindungan thermal Shuttle's sistem (TPS), yang melindungi dari panas yang dihasilkan dengan suasana selama masuk kembali. Columbia Sementara masih di orbit, beberapa insinyur dicurigai kerusakan, tapi NASA manajer terbatas penyelidikan, dengan alasan yang kecil dapat dilakukan bahkan jika masalah yang ditemukan.

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2) Soyuz 1, 1967 (USSR)
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Launched into orbit on April 23, 1967 carrying cosmonaut Colonel Vladimir Komarov, Soyuz 1 was the first flight of the Soviet Soyuz program. His one-day mission had been plagued by a series of mishaps with the new type of spacecraft. Problems began shortly after launch when one solar panel failed to unfold, leading to a shortage of power for the spacecraft's systems. Further problems with the orientation detectors complicated maneuvering the craft. By orbit 13, the automatic stabilization system was completely dead, and the manual system was only partially effective. This culminated in the capsule's parachute not opening properly after atmospheric re-entry. Komarov was killed when the capsule hit the ground. In the photograph below you can see what was left of his "body".

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Diluncurkan ke orbit pada April 23, 1967 Kolonel membawa kosmonot Vladimir Komarov, Soyuz 1 adalah penerbangan pertama dari program Soyuz Soviet. Misinya satu hari telah diganggu oleh serangkaian kecelakaan dengan tipe pesawat baru. Masalah mulai tak lama setelah peluncuran ketika salah satu panel surya tidak terungkap, yang menyebabkan kekurangan daya untuk sistem pesawat ruang angkasa. Selanjutnya masalah dengan orientasi rumit detektor manuver pesawat itu. Pada orbit 13, sistem otomatis stabilisasi benar-benar mati, dan sistem manual hanya sebagian efektif. Hal ini memuncak pada parasut kapsul tidak membuka atmosfer-benar setelah masuk kembali. Komarov tewas ketika kapsul menyentuh tanah. Dalam foto di bawah Anda dapat melihat apa yang tersisa dari "tubuhnya".

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3) Space Shuttle Challenger, 1986 (USA)
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The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster occurred on January 28, 1986, when Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members. The spacecraft disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of central Florida, United States, at 11:39 a.m. EST. Disintegration of the entire vehicle began after an O-ring seal in its right solid rocket booster (SRB) failed at liftoff. The O-ring failure caused a breach in the SRB joint it sealed, allowing pressurized hot gas from within the solid rocket motor to reach the outside and impinge upon the adjacent SRB attachment hardware and external fuel tank. This led to the separation of the right-hand SRB's aft attachment and the structural failure of the external tank. Aerodynamic forces promptly broke up the orbiter.

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Space Shuttle Challenger bencana terjadi pada tanggal 28 Januari 1986, ketika Challenger berpisah 73 detik ke dalam penerbangan, menyebabkan kematian tujuh awak. pesawat ruang angkasa yang hancur di Samudera Atlantik, lepas pantai Florida tengah, Amerika Serikat, pada 11:39 EST. Disintegrasi seluruh kendaraan mulai setelah seal O-ring di kanan roket pendorong padat (SRB) gagal lepas landas. Kegagalan O-cincin menyebabkan sengketa dalam bersama SRB itu tertutup, sehingga gas panas bertekanan dari dalam motor roket padat untuk mencapai luar dan melanggar pada lampiran hardware SRB berdekatan dan tangki bahan bakar eksternal. Hal ini menyebabkan pemisahan lampiran belakang di SRB kanan dan kegagalan struktural tangki eksternal. pasukan Aerodynamic segera bubar pengorbit itu.

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4) Soyuz 11, 1971 (USSR))
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Soyuz 11 was the first successful visit to the world's first space station, Salyut 1. However the mission ended in disaster when the crew capsule depressurised during preparations for re-entry, killing the three-man crew. This accident resulted in the only deaths to occur in space (as opposed to high atmosphere). The crew members aboard Soyuz 11 were Vladislav Volkov, Georgi Dobrovolski and Viktor Patsayev. On June 30, 1971, after an apparently normal re-entry of the capsule of the Soyuz 11 mission, the recovery team opened the capsule to find the crew dead. It quickly became apparent that they had been asphyxiated. The fault was traced to a breathing ventilation valve, located between the orbital module and the descent module, that had been jolted open as the descent module separated from the service module, 723 seconds after retrofire.

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Soyuz 11 adalah kunjungan pertama yang berhasil ke stasiun ruang angkasa pertama di dunia, Salyut: 1. Namun misi berakhir dalam bencana saat kapsul kru tekanannya selama persiapan untuk re-entry, membunuh tiga orang kru. kecelakaan ini mengakibatkan kematian hanya terjadi di dalam ruang (sebagai lawan dari atmosfer tinggi). anggota awak kapal Soyuz 11 adalah Vladislav Volkov, Georgi Dobrovolski dan Viktor Patsayev. Pada tanggal 30 Juni 1971, setelah entri tampaknya normal kembali kapsul 11 misi Soyuz, tim pemulihan membuka kapsul untuk menemukan kru mati. Segera menjadi jelas bahwa mereka telah sesak napas. kesalahan itu dilacak ke katup ventilasi pernapasan, terletak antara modul orbit dan modul keturunan, yang telah tersentak terbuka sebagai keturunan modul terpisah dari modul layanan, 723 detik setelah retrofire.

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 5) Soyuz 23, 1976 (USSR)
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After re-entry to Earth’s atmosphere for the Soyuz 23 manned spacecraft, it landed in the partially frozen Lake Tengiz, the first splashdown in the Soviet space program. The parachute quickly filled with water and dragged the capsule and its crew beneath the surface. The capsule cooled in the freezing water, and the cosmonauts removed their pressure suits and donned their normal flight suits, expecting a quick rescue. But the capsule's beacons could not be seen in the heavy fog, and rubber rafts used to try to reach them were blocked by ice and sludge. The cosmonauts were safe, but they were low on power, so they were forced to shut down everything but a small interior light. The next morning, frogmen were dropped in by helicopters, attached flotation devices to the Soyuz craft and recovered the crew. The capsule was too heavy to be lifted by the helicopter, so it was dragged to shore. The recovery operation had taken nine hours.

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Setelah masuk kembali ke atmosfir bumi untuk pesawat ruang angkasa berawak Soyuz 23, mendarat di Tengiz Lake sebagian beku, penceburan pertama dalam program luar angkasa Uni Soviet. parasut dengan cepat penuh dengan air dan menyeret kapsul dan awaknya di bawah permukaan. kapsul yang didinginkan dalam air dingin, dan kosmonot dihapus sesuai tekanan mereka dan mengenakan setelan normal penerbangan, mengharapkan penyelamatan cepat. Namun beacon kapsul tidak bisa dilihat dalam kabut tebal, dan rakit karet yang digunakan untuk mencoba untuk menjangkau mereka diblokir oleh es dan lumpur. Para kosmonot sudah aman, tapi mereka rendah daya, sehingga mereka dipaksa untuk menutup semuanya kecuali cahaya interior kecil. Keesokan paginya, frogmen dijatuhkan oleh helikopter, terpasang perangkat pengapungan dengan kerajinan Soyuz dan pulih awak. kapsul itu terlalu berat untuk diangkat dengan helikopter, sehingga diseret ke pantai. Operasi pemulihan telah mengambil sembilan jam.

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6) Apollo Soyuz Test Project, 1975 (USA/USSR)
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During final descent and parachute deployment for the Apollo Soyuz Test Project Command Module, the U.S. crew were exposed to 300 µL/L of toxic nitrogen tetroxide gas (RCS fuel) venting from the spacecraft and reentering a cabin air intake. A switch was left in the wrong position. 400µL/L is fatal. Vance Brand's heart stopped and was narrowly resuscitated. The crew members suffered from burning sensations of their eyes, faces, noses, throats and lungs. Thomas Stafford quickly broke out emergency oxygen masks and put one on Brand and gave one to Deke Slayton. The crew were exposed to the toxic gas from 24,000 ft (7.3 km) down to landing. About an hour after landing the crew developed chemical-induced pneumonia and their lungs had edema. They experienced shortness of breath and were hospitalized in Hawaii. The crew spent two weeks in the hospital. By July 30, their chest X-rays appeared to return to normal.

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Selama akhir dan penyebaran keturunan parasut untuk Apollo Soyuz Test Project Modul Komando, awak AS terkena 300 μL / L tetroxide nitrogen gas beracun (RCS bahan bakar) ventilasi dari pesawat dan memasuki kembali sebuah asupan udara kabin. Suatu saklar yang tersisa dalam posisi yang salah. 400μL / L adalah fatal. Vance hati Merek berhenti dan menghidupkan sempit. Para anggota awak menderita dari sensasi terbakar mata mereka, wajah, hidung, tenggorokan dan paru-paru. Thomas Stafford cepat pecah masker oksigen darurat dan menempatkan satu pada Merk dan memberikan satu untuk Deke Slayton. Para kru terkena gas beracun dari 24.000 kaki (7,3 km) ke bawah untuk pendaratan. Sekitar satu jam setelah mendarat awak dikembangkan kimia-induced pneumonia dan paru-paru mereka edema. Mereka mengalami sesak napas dan dirawat di rumah sakit di Hawaii. Para kru menghabiskan dua minggu di rumah sakit. Pada tanggal 30 Juli dada mereka sinar-X tampak kembali normal.

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7) Nedelin catastrophe, 1960 (USSR)
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The Nedelin catastrophe (so-called because Marshal Mitrofan Nedelin was killed) was a launch pad accident that occurred on 24 October 1960, at Baikonur Cosmodrome during the development of the Soviet R-16 ICBM. As a prototype of the missile was being prepared for a test flight, it exploded on the launch pad when its second stage motors ignited prematurely, killing many military personnel, engineers, and technicians working on the project. The official death toll was 90, but estimates are as high as 150, with 120 being the generally accepted figure. Despite the magnitude of the disaster, news of it was covered up for many years and the Soviet government did not acknowledge the event until 1989. Strategic Rocket Forces Marshal Mitrofan Nedelin, the commander of the R-16 development program, was among those killed in the explosion and fire.

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Bencana Nedelin (disebut demikian karena Marsekal Mitrofan Nedelin terbunuh) adalah landasan peluncuran kecelakaan yang terjadi pada 24 Oktober 1960 di Kosmodrom Baikonur selama pengembangan ICBM R-16 Soviet. Sebagai prototipe rudal itu sedang disiapkan untuk uji terbang, itu meledak di landasan peluncuran pada saat motor dinyalakan tahap kedua prematur, menewaskan banyak personil militer, insinyur, dan teknisi bekerja pada proyek ini. Jumlah korban resmi adalah 90, tapi estimasi setinggi 150, dengan 120 menjadi sosok berlaku umum. Meskipun besarnya bencana, berita itu ditutup-tutupi selama bertahun-tahun dan pemerintah Soviet tidak mengakui acara tersebut hingga tahun 1989. Divisi Roket Strategis Marsekal Mitrofan Nedelin, komandan program pembangunan R-16, berada di antara mereka yang tewas dalam ledakan dan kebakaran.

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8) Intelsat 708, 1996 (China)
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Intelsat 708 was a telecommunications satellite built by the American company Space Systems/Loral intended to be launched into a geostationary orbit and operated by Intelsat. It was destroyed during a launch failure on February 15, 1996, causing fatalities near the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at Xichang, People's Republic of China, and prompting political controversy around the world. The Intelsat 708 satellite was to be launched aboard a Long March 3B rocket. This rocket failed at launch due to an engineering defect and crashed into a village near the launch site, which reportedly killed an unknown number of Chinese civilians and caused other damage. The nature and extent of the damage remain a subject of dispute; the Chinese government, through its official Xinhua news agency, reported that six people were killed and 57 injured. Neutral sources claimed that the number of fatalities was likely to number in the thousands and possibly tens of thousands.

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Intelsat 708 adalah satelit telekomunikasi dibangun oleh perusahaan Amerika Ruang Sistem / Loral dimaksudkan untuk diluncurkan ke orbit geostasioner dan dioperasikan oleh Intelsat. Hancur selama kegagalan peluncuran pada tanggal 15 Februari 1996, menyebabkan korban jiwa di dekat Pusat Peluncuran Satelit Xichang di Xichang, Republik Rakyat Cina, dan memicu kontroversi politik di seluruh dunia. The Intelsat 708 satelit yang akan diluncurkan dengan roket Long March 3B. roket ini gagal pada peluncuran karena adanya cacat teknik dan menabrak sebuah desa dekat tempat peluncuran, yang dilaporkan menewaskan sejumlah warga sipil yang tidak diketahui Cina dan menyebabkan kerusakan lainnya. Sifat dan tingkat kerusakan tetap menjadi subyek sengketa; pemerintah Cina, melalui kantor berita resmi Xinhua, melaporkan bahwa enam orang tewas dan 57 luka-luka. sumber Netral menyatakan bahwa jumlah kematian kemungkinan besar ke nomor dalam ribuan dan mungkin puluhan ribu.

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9) Alcântara VLS accident, 2003 (Brazil)
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On August 22, 2003, at 13:30 (local time) an explosion destroyed a Brazilian Space Agency VLS-1 (VLS-1 V03) rocket as it stood on its launch pad at the Alcântara Launching Center in the state of Maranhão in northern Brazil. Twenty-one people, standing on the launch pad, died when one of the rocket's four first stage motors ignited accidentally. The explosion caused a fire in the nearby jungle brush, and produced a large cloud of smoke that was visible for large distances. This was the third major attempt by Brazil to launch a rocket of the country's own design. The explosion leveled the rocket's launch pad, reducing a 10-story high structure to a pile of twisted metal. Dozens of kilometers away, residents of the city of São Luís were able to hear the blast. The rocket had been scheduled to launch in just a few days' time and had two satellites onboard when the explosion occurred.

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Pada tanggal 22 Agustus 2003, waktu jam 13.30 (lokal) ledakan menghancurkan Brasil Space Agency VLS-1 (VLS-1 V03) roket yang berdiri di landasan peluncuran tersebut pada Peluncuran Pusat Alcântara di negara bagian Maranhão di utara Brasil. Dua puluh satu orang, berdiri di landasan peluncuran, meninggal ketika salah satu dari empat motor roket tahap pertama dinyalakan tanpa sengaja. Ledakan itu menyebabkan kebakaran di hutan dekat kuas, dan menghasilkan awan besar dari asap yang terlihat untuk jarak yang besar. Ini adalah upaya besar ketiga dengan Brasil untuk meluncurkan roket dari desain negara itu sendiri. Ledakan itu meratakan landasan peluncuran roket, mengurangi struktur tinggi 10 lantai menjadi tumpukan logam bengkok. Puluhan kilometer jauhnya, penduduk kota São Luís mampu mendengar ledakan itu. Roket ini telah dijadwalkan untuk memulai waktu hanya dalam beberapa hari 'dan memiliki dua satelit onboard ketika ledakan terjadi.

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10) Michael J. Adams, X-15 rocket plane, 1967 (USA)
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Michael J. Adams died while piloting a North American X-15 rocket plane. Major Adams was a U.S. Air Force pilot in the NASA/USAF X-15 program. During X-15 Flight 191, his seventh flight, the plane first had an electrical problem and then developed control problems at the apogee of its flight. The pilot may also have become disoriented. During re-entry from a 266,000 ft (50.4 mile, 81.1 km) apogee, the X-15 yawed sideways out of control and went into a spin at a speed of Mach 5, from which the pilot never recovered. Excessive acceleration led to the X-15 breaking up in flight at about 65,000 feet. Adams was posthumously awarded astronaut wings as his flight had passed an altitude of 50 miles (80.5 km) (the U.S. definition of space).

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Michael J. Adams meninggal saat piloting Amerika Utara X-15 pesawat roket. Mayor Adams adalah US Air Force pilot dalam program NASA / USAF X-15. Selama X-15 Penerbangan 191, penerbangan ketujuh-nya, pesawat pertama masalah listrik dan kemudian berkembang masalah kontrol di puncak penerbangan tersebut. Pilot mungkin juga menjadi bingung. Selama masuk kembali dari ft 266.000 (50,4 mil, 81,1 km) puncak, X-15 yawed samping luar kendali dan masuk ke spin pada kecepatan Mach 5, dari yang pernah ditemukan pilot. akselerasi berlebihan menyebabkan-X 15 putus di penerbangan sekitar 65.000 kaki. Adams anumerta diberikan sayap astronot sebagai penerbangan telah melewati ketinggian 50 mil (80,5 km) (US definisi ruang).

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