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Air Force One

Written By unik on Selasa, 09 November 2010 | Selasa, November 09, 2010
Originally Posted by History
Presidential air transport began in 1944
when a C-54 Skymaster -- the "Sacred Cow" -- was put into service for President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Then came the "Independence,"
a DC-6 Liftmaster, which transported President Harry S. Truman during the period 1947 to 1953. President Dwight D. Eisenhower traveled aboard the
"Columbine II" and "Columbine III" from 1953 to 1961. A 1953 incident where Eisenhower's aircraft was "Air Force 8610" and an Eastern Airlines plane
was "8610" created the need to devise a unique call sign. The call sign "Air Force One" was classified during the '50s to identify not only the president's plane, but when he was aboard. In September 1961, it became popularly known when it identified President John F. Kennedy flying aboard his C-118.

In 1962, a C-137C specifically purchased for use as Air Force One, entered into service with the tail number 26000. It is perhaps the most widely known and most historically significant presidential aircraft. Tail number 26000 is the aircraft that carried President Kennedy to Dallas, Nov. 22, 1963, and returned the body to Washington, D.C., following his assassination. Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn into office as the 36th president on board the aircraft at Love Field in Dallas. This fateful aircraft also was used to return President Johnson's body to Texas following his state funeral Jan. 24, 1973.

In 1972 President Richard M. Nixon made historic visits aboard 26000 to the People's Republic of China in February and to the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in May.

The first VC-25A -- tail number 28000 -- flew as "Air Force One" on Sept. 6, 1990, when it transported President George Bush to Kansas, Florida and back to Washington, D.C. A second VC-25A, tail number 29000 transported President Bill Clinton and former Presidents Carter and Bush to Israel for the funeral of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The VC-25A will usher presidential travel into the 21st century, upholding the proud tradition and distinction of being known as "Air Force One."
Originally Posted by Description
The presidential air transport fleet consists of two specially configured Boeing 747-200B's -- tail numbers 28000 and 29000 -- with the Air Force designation VC-25A. When the president is aboard either aircraft, or any Air Force aircraft, the radio call sign is "Air Force One."

Principal differences between the VC-25A and the standard Boeing 747, other than the number of passengers carried, are the electronic and communications equipment aboard Air Force One, its interior configuration and furnishings, self-contained baggage loader, front and aft air-stairs, and the capability for inflight refueling.

Accommodations for the president include an executive suite consisting of a stateroom (with dressing room, lavatory and shower) and the President's office. A conference/dining room is also available for the President, his family and staff. Other separate accommodations are provided for guests, senior staff, Secret Service and security personnel, and the news media.

Two galleys provide up to 100 meals at one sitting. Six passenger lavatories, including disabled access facilities, are provided as well as a rest area and mini-galley for the aircrew. The VC-25A also has a compartment outfitted with medical equipment and supplies for minor medical emergencies.

These aircraft are flown by the presidential aircrew, maintained by the Presidential Maintenance Branch, and are assigned to Air Mobility Command's 89th Airlift Wing, Andrews Air Force Base, MD.
Spoiler for Terjemahan:

Originally Posted by Sejarah
Transportasi udara Presiden dimulai pada tahun 1944 ketika C-54 Skymaster - yang "Suci Sapi" - yang dimasukkan ke dalam layanan untuk Presiden Franklin D. Roosevelt. Kemudian datang "Kemerdekaan,"
DC-6 Liftmaster, yang diangkut Presiden Harry S. Truman selama periode tahun 1947 hingga 1953. Presiden Dwight D. Eisenhower melakukan perjalanan di atas kapal "Columbine II" dan "Columbine III" 1953-1961.
Sebuah kejadian 1953 di mana pesawat Eisenhower adalah "Air Force 8610" dan pesawat Eastern Airlines adalah "8610" menciptakan kebutuhan untuk merancang suatu tanda panggilan yang unik. Tanda panggilan "Air Force One" diklasifikasikan selama '50-an untuk mengidentifikasi tidak hanya pesawat presiden, tetapi ketika ia naik. Pada bulan September 1961, menjadi dikenal ketika diidentifikasi Presiden John F. Kennedy terbang pesawat nya-C 118.

Pada tahun 1962, C-137C khusus dibeli untuk digunakan sebagai Air Force One, mengadakan layanan dengan nomor ekor 26000. Hal ini mungkin yang paling banyak dikenal dan paling signifikan secara historis pesawat kepresidenan. Tail 26000 adalah nomor pesawat yang membawa Presiden Kennedy ke Dallas, 22 November 1963, dan kembali tubuh ke Washington, DC, setelah pembunuhan itu. Lyndon B. Johnson ke kantor disumpah sebagai presiden ke-36 dalam pesawat terbang di Love Field di Dallas. Pesawat naas ini juga digunakan untuk mengembalikan tubuh Presiden Johnson ke Texas mengikuti pemakaman kenegaraan-nya 24 Januari 1973.

Pada tahun 1972 Presiden Richard M. Nixon melakukan kunjungan bersejarah kapal 26000 ke Republik Rakyat Cina pada bulan Februari dan mantan Uni Republik Sosialis Soviet pada bulan Mei.

VC pertama-25A - nomor ekor 28000 - terbang sebagai "Air Force One" pada 6 September,, 1990 ketika Presiden George Bush diangkut ke Kansas, Florida dan kembali ke Washington, DC A kedua VC-25A, nomor ekor 29000 diangkut Presiden Bill Clinton dan mantan Presiden Carter dan Bush ke Israel untuk pemakaman Perdana Menteri Yitzhak Rabin. VC-25A akan mengantar perjalanan presiden ke abad 21, menjunjung tinggi tradisi bangga dan perbedaan menjadi dikenal sebagai "Air Force One."
Originally Posted by Deskripsi
Armada angkutan udara presiden terdiri dari dua Boeing dikonfigurasi secara khusus 747-200B's - nomor ekor 28000 dan 29000 - dengan sebutan Angkatan Udara VC-25A. Ketika presiden baik naik pesawat, atau pesawat Angkatan Udara, tanda panggilan radio "Air Force One."

Pokok perbedaan antara VC-25A dan Boeing 747 standar, selain jumlah penumpang dilakukan, adalah alat komunikasi elektronik dan pesawat Air, Force One konfigurasi interior dan perabotan, mandiri loader bagasi, depan dan belakang ber-tangga , dan kemampuan untuk bertingkat pengisian bahan bakar.

Akomodasi untuk presiden termasuk suite eksekutif terdiri dari kabin (dengan ruang ganti, toilet dan shower) dan kantor Presiden. Sebuah konferensi / ruang makan juga tersedia bagi Presiden, keluarga dan staf. akomodasi terpisah lainnya disediakan untuk para tamu, staf senior, Secret Service dan aparat keamanan, dan media berita.

Dua perahu menyediakan hingga 100 makanan pada satu duduk. wc Enam penumpang, termasuk fasilitas akses penyandang cacat, diberikan sekaligus sebagai tempat istirahat dan mini-dapur untuk aircrew tersebut. VC-25A juga memiliki kompartemen dilengkapi dengan peralatan medis dan perlengkapan untuk keadaan darurat medis kecil.

Ini pesawat diterbangkan oleh aircrew presiden, dipelihara oleh Presiden Pemeliharaan Cabang, dan ditugaskan untuk ke-89 Komando Mobilitas Udara Airlift Wing, Andrews Air Force Base, MD.

Spoiler for Air Force One:

Spoiler for Tail Number 28000:

Spoiler for Penjagaan Superketat:

Spoiler for Cabin:

Spoiler for Koki Bintang 7:

Spoiler for Obama Kerja:

Spoiler for Tour Air Force One (part 1 & 2):

Part 1
Part 2



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